Sunday, November 29, 2009

This is not you.

This is not you.
This is not you.

Your worried. You're fighting. You're trying too hard.
Just sit back, please. I'm tired of watching you dance around me.

You have my attention you've always had my attention.

You're fighting not loving
and you're a lover not a fighter

I've always been here for you
I'll always be right here for you.

I don't expect you to understand
I can't expect you to understand.
You can't understand.

I want you to see, but you're blind.
Open your eyes, open your eyes for me.

I'm waiting.


  1. Is this Copeland before I say I like it?
    It really connects to me. (:
    Or did you write it?

  2. Perfect. I like it even more for that.
    Once you tricked me and it was song quotes that I liked. :D
