Sunday, November 29, 2009


Hello Hello,
I am empty.
Fill me I dont care what you are or if you arent the right substance just fill me make me feel good for awhile. i swear all i need is awhile.
I want more but i need now so just do it.
hopefully i'll find the right stuff some other time when i'm empty but i cant have it now just fill me!


  1. Well the meaning I get from it at the current moment is probably the face value of it all.

    Feeling broken, empty. Just wanting something, anything to fill the space even it's just temporary. There's always going to be something else to fill up with when what you have runs out. Always searching for something else to take away the current pain or solace. Knowing there's something out there that could permanently fill the holes and glue the pieces back together, but not knowing where to find it. Keep searching for it, but in the meantime just using the fast-acting, RIGHT NOW fillers.

  2. It was written when I wanted to talk to someone about something but that person didn't want to talk to me, so I wanted to talk to other people about it. To vent and get it out...
