Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hey look

you've dont it again.
you've lost everyone.
you're alone.

Maybe this time they left you,
rahter than you leaving them but that doesn't really matter
You're still alone.

I hope it hurts.
It's should hurt you did it all wrong.

All you have is yourself.
How do you feel about youself?

Eh. Right.

Wipe him off you lips he's still on your lips.

Cry alone into your knees.


  1. This is the evil in me. This is doubt. This is hurt.

  2. This is a blunt, darker piece it seems, but very fluid. "Wipe him off your lips he's still on your lips" is a creative line.

    I like it, however "like" isn't really a word that justifies what I think about it, but it brings about an emotion I haven't yet deciphered...if I figure it out I'll let you know. So for now, "like" will have to do. <3

  3. Ug it was a little mental breakdown. Nobody likes that, but it can be intruging?

  4. The last two lines are the best two lines IMO.
