Sunday, November 29, 2009

This day

It is beautiful out right now. It's amazing how the sky can be gray and still breath taking. It's getting colder and I'm actually excited about that for once? I'm happy with the life I am living. I think I am doing well.

Thanksgiving has come and passed. I remember thinking I usually feel pretty thankful so the holiday seems mostly just a reason to eat. I have a lot going for me. I was thankful that I had a nice home and food and water because other people don't. I was more concerned with the fact they don't have them then I was thankful that I had them. I want to help them.

I'm happy with the time I got off school it's drawing to and end. I spent a lot of it with Ben. I feel really close to him. He understands me so well. I spent even more of it with my family I think. We got our christmas tree and saw a movie one day. Another we ran a race and went christmas shopping.

I went to one of Alex's hockey games. I miss seeing him as much as I used to.
Megan invited Ben and I to a bonfire at her house. We sat out there making jokes and telling stories.

Good. This is good.

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