Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm totally a Christian!

but when people make all their status updates on facebook about God or Jesus it makes me want to be an athiest. If that makes sense. I guess they just annoy me and I think they push athiest to futher not believe God. Sometimes I feel like they do it for attention, or to make themselves seem rightous. Anyone else have this problem?


  1. Uh no. I love God. When I'm especially feeling that I post it.
    Plus, it means something to declare your love for God to the public. It's important.
    Unless you mean your point in an odd circumstance, in which you should clarify. (:

  2. Some people post things like that so much it seems unrealistic and I know some of my other Christian friends have been annoyed with it too. It seems that they do it for show. I think it does mean something to declare yourself but I also think there is an over board mark. You don't want to force feed faith.

  3. Or others I see doing it for their own self image. It makes them feel like they a good person when they talk about how godly they are it seems. One example is how my sister made her status something about how she was bored and wanted to be at lake williamson christian center. There are a million other things to do when you are bored but I think she wanted people to think she was rightous by saying something like that. When I said that it make me want to be atheist it was a scarcastic overstatement but I am somewhat bothered. There are multiple circumstances that have made me feel like this, especially on facebook. I feel like it's bad advertisement for other christians.

  4. I see.
    Thanks for slightly clarifying. :P
    Well, if I ever seem like that please let me know.
