Friday, April 30, 2010


I went to see Nightmare on Elm Street last night. That was fun. I thought it was pretty good. I was a little different from the original but I still liked it. I turned my eyes on a lot of the gory scenes because I'm still terrified of blood. I have no idea what caused that. I never used to be afraid of blood. We went with Charlie and Jenny. Then we ran into Kristen, Britney, and Sam!

Eh but before Ben and I went to his house and sat on his porch. His mom had talked about kind of easing me into the house - I haven't been around Tim since we Ben and I started dating. We sat on the porch waiting for her to get home from the store to ask if now was a good time to hang out in the house for a little while. Once she got home Ben went inside and I guess him was downstairs out of his room, which is pretty unusual. He felt so uncomfortable that he had to type the question out on his phone to show his mom "Josie is on the porch. Can she come in?" His mom said no. He came out pretty upset but he told me we would talk about it once we left and he brought me stir fry out to eat. I ate it as fast as I could because I didn't know what was going on. He went back in and in front of Tim his mom said "Do you have your girlfriend on the porch?" Ben said yes angrily and left. He said Tim had a funny look on his face. Ben was upset for awhile. I don't know what's going on. I guess we'll see.

Agape is tonight and I'm extremely tired. The skies are already a dark gray, agape weather. :P We're tie dying shirts in yearbook today. :) I made cookies for fiesta friday too!


  1. :/
    That sucks. But one day you'll be able to just walk right in! ;D
    hopefully. lol

    I'm so stoked for Agape! Woooh!

  2. I was so happy to see you at the movie lol!

    And I'm sorry about the Tim thing...Like Hannah said, eventually I hope everything blows over and it will be okay :)
