Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I got my hair cut, and it turned out nothing like I wanted it. I really wanted something different but not what I got. My bangs were cut awkwardly the first day they were all the same length and only on one side. I spent the day self conscious and crying. Hair is a big deal for me it's kind of an emotional blanket that I can hide under, and it was taken away. I wanted my bangs long and side swept not just cut all the same length on one side and short. I also go highlights and I regret that as well. I've decided to get the highlights colored over and let the bangs and my hair grow long after this.

I ended up trimming my own hair before I went to school on Monday. That actually went really well. I got more of an angle and side swept look like I wanted. This video helped:

Fixing Too Short Bangs -- powered by eHow.com

Here are some pictures of my short hair. It's not absolutely horrible by any means but it doesn't feel like me.


  1. An emotional blanket?
    Are you doing something about that?
    Because your hair has nothing to do with your amazing personality. :/

  2. I felt the same way with the haircut I got most recently. I wanted it to be a lot different, but I feel like I just got the same thing I've always had. But I do like your hair; it's always beautiful no matter what! And like Hannah said, your personality is still wonderful no matter what your hair looks like :)
