Sunday, January 10, 2010

Yes I stole it, But I also co-wrote it! pt. 2


Tonight has been quite eventful. I'm sitting here on Josie's couch (on her laptop as well).I just took the heat for waking her mother up from sleep... while Josie and her sister ran downstairs and left me to fend for myself. It was like waking a bear from hibernation. Scary right? So anyway, we had chinese take out, well actually Josie ate most of it and I had a couple peices of crab. We then decided to bear the cold weather and go to rent a movie. I had to wear her sister's non-outside boots covered in multicolored hearts in various sizes. They were quite glam, but a wee bit slippery. Josie shoveled behind the car, which I'm not really sure what good that did, while I brushed the snow off of her buried car with a broom!
We venture out into the wild. We had to make a pitstop about 10 feet from her house because we couldn't see a thing. I got out and wiped the snow off of the headlights, "LET THERE BE LIGHT!!". I felt a little like God for a moment. We got to the movie store after sliding right past the entrance and picked out Into The Wild. This was of course after we looked at every single movie in the place after we knew what movie we wanted in the first 10 minutes.

We watched the movie. It was wonderful.
(I really mean that!)

Then we sat around talking all philosophically, smoking pipes and wearing glasses (in Josie's mind atleast), then we headed to the kitchen! The best room in the house. Josie ate everything in sight, while I drank everything in sight. Nothing could quench our needs.

Now we sit here on the couch, waiting to write down Josie's goals on a peice of paper. She's really into the whole list writing thing. Which is a sign of a mental illness that we can't think of right now. Maybe Alzheimers?

We're off to swallowing red-heads now, chao.

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