Thursday, January 14, 2010

Angry/Upset yet hopeful (RANT #1)

I want to get away, to run away. Helplessly but not hopelessly to a place where politics aren't mentioned because they do not matter. Only helping others matters. I want to love the hurt and desperate and even the concieted and selfish. I want to see a place where people don't hurt animals, just coexist with them, love them, and treat them like companions. I want to be in a place where I am not treated like I am naieve. I'm tired of being dependent. Yes, I make mistakes but I am not stupid. I notice when I do wrong and correct it to the best of my ability. I don't need to be nagged or to see you roll your eyes at me. I want to call home a place where it is okay to cry. I need to cry. I need to overflow. I can't keep all this emotion in but lately I have been. Undoubtfully full of doubt but it's staring to trickle out. I'm afraid of what you'll say and how you think when you see me on the brink.