Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Senior Year

I am a senior, finally. I have been for 3 weeks, and it's already turning out to be a good year. Here is a picture of me on the first day that I've been meaning to post:

I think I'm going to do a lot of documenting this year with my camera. I've been taking at least one photo every day for most of the year, It was going to be for a photo calendar we planned to put in the yearbook, but we scratched the idea. I already had about a week's worth of photos and I didn't want to give up on the idea so I plan to make a photo album on myspace with the pictures that I take everyday... hopefully one day I will be able to print them all out and make a scrapbook. I have a notebook where I write the captions for every day. We'll see how this project turns out.

Yearbook is my favorite class. It's a very good match for me. I love creating! Mrs. Ruyle decided I would be The Business Manager and also a Photo Editor. I'm so stoked for yearbook and our theme. We voted on a collage theme, which means we need a ton of photos. I've been taking my camera everywhere I go pretty much and charging my batteries about twice a week. I've been going to a lot of football games and getting some good shots. The Southwestern Journal has been using my photos for their sports section. They didn't credit me last week (which was kind of upsetting), but they assured me they will this week. If they fail I will probably stop sending photos. Here is a sample:

I've been spending a lot of time with my best friend. :)

For awhile I was afraid we were falling apart, but now I'm feeling pretty comfortable with our friendship. I love her; I love us. We dream and believe, and I think we are going to be everything we want sooner or later. Whatever we end up wanting, and however we get there. I have so much fun with her and my other friends. It's soo good to be young and in love with life.

and then there is the boyfriend:

He's most the the reason I've been going to so many football games. He has practice every single day after school, so our hang out time has been crunched to once or twice a week. That was hard at first, but I'm really comfortable with him and our relationship now. I feel like he wants it to work out as much as I do. He really is a great guy. I didn't know him all that well before we were dating, but he's quickly become one of my favorite people. I'm so defensive when people talk bad about him in anyway.

I will wrap this up.

All is well.

I'm excited to see what every day brings.

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