Thursday, September 24, 2009

'Cause I'm on the up and up

"I'm on the up and up and I havent given up, given up on what I know I'm capable of."

I have potential. I know I'm good at the things I like, and that I can go places with them.
I am not really sure what my future has in store, and that's always been scary to me but it's not anymore. Whatever I decide and whatever works out is going to happen. Theres no way I can ever really know what that is. I don't get to pick it. It'll pick me and grab me by the hand and pull me along. I just weigh the options presented to me and sit back and enjoy the ride.

There's a flame inside my chest. It's love. It's passion. It's real. I feel like my life has turned into something I want it to be. I'm not ashamed of who I am. I'm not afraid of showing people who that is anymore either. I don't need to be. My intentions are good. My failures are learning experiences. I've got friends and family backing me up and showering me in their love and I love them back with everything I am and everything that I do. It's not fake either. I'm not just nice to them because being nice is the "nice"or the "right" thing" to do. I just love them. I think they're beautiful and interesting. I don't hate. I appreciate everyone and rescpect every opinion they have, whether it differs from mine or not.

I took Megan to church last night and afterwords we sat in my car for an hour talking. (without the ac on! ) It got a bit hot and uncomfortble but our conversations are always worth it. We talk about anything and everything and we're both pretty much on the same page. When you put us togehter I think we're capable of great things.

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