Thursday, December 10, 2009

Love Regaurdless

I love people. I try to love them in simple ways like not cutting in the lunch line regaurdless of how hungry I am and how many of my friends are telling me to and opening car doors. I want them to know that I love them and respect them just because. Because I don't need a reason I just want to radiate love. Because I think everyone needs it.

Seeing people light up makes me happy. Watching people do things they are passionate about makes me want to cry. Knowing people are doing things for other people warms my heart. There is nothing more beautiful than a passionate person.

Tonight I was in a room filled with them. We played for the residence at Robing's Manner and their families. Watching the mouths of the elderly people there move along in sync with the chorus's made me feel good. Using your talents to make other people shine is a beautiful thing.

I saw a girl from school who worked there. I felt sorry for her, like her job was really demanding. I know she always sleeps in class and I finally understand why. It looked tiring to me. She only brought a few people out into the room we were playing in and then she left. I wanted to say hi to her and talk to her, but I think she may have been embarssed? Being seen working and in scrubs? I wanted her to know I didn't care and that I thought what she was doing was great. Even if she is getting payed for it I know her job is tiring and I know that she does it to the best of her ability.

I want to be part of something much bigger than I am.
I want people to know I love them, regaurless of anything and everything.

I have hope in humanity.