Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Drug Through Hell

And just when I start accepting the fact that my parents are getting divorced. A woman shows up at our door asking for dad. Jen over hears her talking about pictures of mom. Dad comes back inside and I ask what is going on and he said mom was having an affair. My heart sank. I couldn't contain my anxiety I shook and called Ben and then Megan and neither of them answered. The lady told my dad she was at her ex-husband's house right then. Me, my sister, and my dad drive over to the address she gave us. Sure enough there is mom's car. We knock on the door. Dad yells "Misty, your kids want to see you." I heard mom yell from inside. I kept knocking and knock pounding on the guys door. I can see the door budge in a little with every hit and I just keep pounding harder and harder, but dad tells me to stop. So I cease. Then mom comes out. She wasn't even crying or anything and she kept saying "that's is not what it is" I'll never forget her face. I yelled at her. My sister starts crying. My dad is beyond disappointed he yells at her and calls her a slut and a whore as we get back in the car. We get back home and I call her multiple time just yelling and bashing. I lash out. I honestly yelled at her more than my dad, I see him cry all the time because she wants to divorce him and now we know why. If that isn't enough I go back inside and I get a sudden realization. A few nights before we went out to eat and there was a guy there mom acting like she hadn't seen him since high school and then he tells us he is a truck driver and mom ask the quickest way to the zoo because we are going there the next day and he tells us to just follow him and he'll take his son. I thought it was all kind of weird. So I remember that guy's name is Tom and I ask dad what the guy's name mom was seeing was and he replies "Tom Sumpter" so I blurt out everything that happened and apologize for not telling him because I didn't think anything of it really. My mom actually had this guy meet her when we went out to eat. It was entirely planned and she lied to us the entire time. Dad pulled out her yearbook and sure enough Tom Sumpter was waiting in there, looking the same as he does now. I called her and yelled more. I've been sending mean things to her for days now. Yesterday she started crying on the phone with me. I cried on my bed and my dad came in. He asked what happened and I told him mom got mad at me and cried on the phone and he held me and told me she was only feeling guilty and that I didn't do anything wrong. Eh and the day it happened I posted it on facebook, because I wanted her to be embarrassed I wanted other people to know all of the pain she put me, her own daughter, through. I still don't feel that bad about that either, but I deleted it because she told me to. If she couldn't live with the guilt then why did she do it? She told my dad me posting stuff on there really hurt her character, but none of what I posted was a lie. She just won't own up to what she did. I woke up yesterday and my computer was out of my room I went to the kitchen and found it and asked dad if he used it and he said that he had and that he needed me to get some stuff off of it. He had got on my facebook page and sent mom another post on her wall from my name saying "My mom's a slut. We caught her at her boyfriend's house." Before I got to delete it mom saw it. I still haven't told her that was dad. I'm pretty sure that my mom continues to lie to me about the whole story. I think she may even be in denial. But she hurt me, and I'm still angry with her and I still have not forgiven her. The wounds are still fresh and they still burn like hell. I can't stand the thought of her or this man. Apparently she talked to him on facebook too, and he clearly knew she was married. I feel like my heart is black and full of hatred right now. I have to see her tonight and listen to what she wants to tell me, but she has no idea of the pain she's put me through. How much I cannot stand her right now. Talking to her will make the wounds bleed fresh, and I feel like she's already put me through enough.


  1. As much as it hurts, stand strong.
    If not for yourself, do it for you Dad and Jen.

    I can't imagine the betrayal that you're feeling. I'm so sorry that you are going through this.
    If you ever just want to yell at someone, vent to someone, get angry, call me. I'll listen.

    I love you so much, and I hate that you are in pain. :[

  2. Josie, I am so sorry. I hate that you have to go through this. You have the right to feel everything you are feeling. Like Megan said, I will also be here if you ever need anything.

    Hang in there! <3

  3. What shit. This is ridiculous that you have to go through all this. You deserve better.
    Don't think for a second you did anything wrong at all. She's got her own problems and they don't have anything to do with you. Make sure you tell Jen that too. She'll really need you walking her through, you know?

    And you know I'm here for you. If you wanna get out or do something, or have me over, or just talk. I'm definitely here.

    I'll be praying that God gives you strength. Don't doubt that he's there, okay? Life is hard and that's what life is. The point of God being there is that he's next to you when crap happens. You've just got to let him know you want him there to hold you.

    I love you, Jose.
